Hitting it Great Off the Tee But Can’t Hit a Green with your Irons?
Attend our “Iron Play Specialty Clinic”. A one hour clinic that focuses on IMPROVING YOUR BALL STRIKING with irons.
It will give you an understanding of the”Impact Position” for irons to make solid consistent contact. Other important fundamentals are presented are alignment,
ball position, back swing sequence, the transition to impact and balanced finish. Clubs Provide at no cost if required.
Presented by PGA of Canada Head Teaching Professional Angelo Puma.
Held at Burlington Springs Golf Club, Bring a # 9 iron and a # 7 iron for the clinic. Each Participant receives individual instruction.

Clinic Dates:
Burlington Springs Golf Club:
5235 Cedar Springs Rd.
Burlington, ON
Wednesday April 30 @ 9:00am
Wednesday April 30 @ 7:30pm
Saturday June 14 @ 9:00am
Saturday May 3 @ 9:00am
Clinic Fee:
$45.00 + HST
To Register call: Puma Golf (416) 319-0196
Email: angelo@pumagolf.ca