Golf for Kids Learn and Play at Burlington Springs Golf Club

1.5 hour lessons for 4 consecutive weeks.

Golf for Kids is a unique program that combines learning important swing fundamentals as well as “playing” on the course, with coaching by a PGA professional.

It is a 4 week program, 1 session per week for 4 consecutive weeks. Each session is 1.5 hours in length. Kids will learn basic rules of golf, proper swing fundamentals, ball striking with irons, driving off the tee, around the greens (pitching, putting)

Kids require a golf set. We can assist with proper sizing information prior to purchasing a set.


Program dates:

Burlington Springs Golf & Country Club:

1.5 hour lessons for 4 consecutive weeks

Monday July 7 @ 6:15pm
Monday August 4 @ 6:16pm

Tuesday July 8 @ 6:15pm
Tuesday August 5 @ 6:15pm

If these dates don’t fit your schedule, we may be able to offer a more convenient time. Please call. Puma Golf (416) 319-0196 email:

Program Fee:

$159.00 + HST
To Register call: Puma Golf (416) 319-0196

Click Here to Book Your Child’s Golf Lesson