Custom Club Fitting


Custom club fitting refers to a player’s equipment fitting their physical characteristics and ability. The outcome, being better and more consistent shots. This leaves the player to focus only on their swing. In other words they don’t have to adjust their swing to fit the equipment.


I see it many times in my clinics. Players arrive with a new set of clubs that don’t fit them. They really struggle through the lessons because the clubs may be too short or too long. The grips are the incorrect size, therefore their hands ache often after a game or practice. The ball flight is bad because the heads and shafts in the clubs are made from a poor material or not the right flex in the shafts. On many occasions player are using hand-me-down clubs that are too heavy or old resulting in not the best results. For example many ladies come out with their husband’s old clubs.


For beginners there should be some attention to having the clubs the correct length and proper fitting grips. The grips should not be worn or slippery. All clubs can be modified so they will fit better.


Once a player develops their swing to the point that they are achieving reasonable contact, there are several finer points of club fitting that can contribute to even better shot making. These fine parts can also help deal with swing faults to correct ball flight, improve distance, improve direction and improve your short game around the greens. The main factors are; club length and swing weight, the loft built into the driver or #1 metal wood off the tee, the face angle of the driver, shaft flex in all clubs which affects distance, control & feel. Other parameters include lie & loft angle which affect shot direction & distance. It is best to work with PGA professional who is experienced with club fitting. The results can be dramatic in your shots.


  1. We increased the distance off the tee for one of my female students by simply increasing the length of the driver. Not only did she increase her distance but the ball flight changed from a fade to beautiful draw. A draw with your driver will produce to most distance because of the extra roll that a draw creates.
  2. A senior gentleman with arthritis in his hands said it hurt to hold on the club. We replaced the grips with a larger soft type designed for players with hand conditions. After, he continued to enjoy the game.
  3. A player was always hitting his ball with too much fade (for right handed players-too much left to right curve). We added some weight in the right position on his club and the ball flight was corrected.
  4. One of our tall players over 6 ft. was topping the ball (hitting it very low). His clubs were too short for his height. We increased the length of his irons by 1.5 inches. That doesn’t sound like much, but when making contact with a golf ball that parameter can make a big difference. This adjustment made helped him very much.

At Puma Golf, we have a Total Solution.

  • I can assess your equipment at the range while you are hitting balls.
  • I will take several measurements and provide the solution that fits you.
  • New and older sets can be adjusted for much less than having to buy a new set.

Call, or send us an email to book a fitting appointment. It may take approximately 30 minutes. We will provide you with a written fitting sheet with your specifications. You could take this sheet to any equipment supplier and have a set custom ordered, or your existing set altered.

Fitting Session Fee; $75.00 + HST
Call (416) 319-0196 or email