This program is designed for players with golf experience that want take their game to a higher level. Presented by PGA of Canada professionals,In a group format the program presents a series of topics to help players develop a better understanding of the golf swing to improve their game. Each player also receives individual coaching.
Lesson # 2 – Learn the most consistent back swing technique, the “One Plane” swing. This technique is used by the majority of professionals. Starting the down swing sequence, the impact position, balanced finish position.
Lesson # 3 – The Driver, one of the most important clubs that everyone wants to hit consistently, proper set up, understanding ball flight, curing hooks & slices. How to get more distance.
Lesson # 4 – The Short Game (pitching & sand play) Proper set up technique,club selection, distance control, the lob shot.
Lesson # 5 – Chipping & Putting, when to pitch, when to chip, setup technique, The putting stroke, distance control, reading green
Each lesson is one hour in length, one per week for 5 consecutive weeks. Bring a # 9 and#7 iron for lesson # 1.
Program dates:
Burlington Springs Golf Club
Please call (416) 319-0196 for information.
Program Fee:
$209.00 + HST
To Register call: Puma Golf (416) 319-0196